buffet: Move privetd sources into buffet
No functional changes, only renaming, fixed include paths and include
guards to avoid resubmit warnings.
Change-Id: Icacff92aef47fdd46542bc96eba3ffbb4df6241a
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/276319
Reviewed-by: Vitaly Buka <vitalybuka@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Vitaly Buka <vitalybuka@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Vitaly Buka <vitalybuka@chromium.org>
diff --git a/buffet/privet/privet_handler_unittest.cc b/buffet/privet/privet_handler_unittest.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2dcfd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buffet/privet/privet_handler_unittest.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "buffet/privet/privet_handler.h"
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <base/bind.h>
+#include <base/json/json_reader.h>
+#include <base/json/json_writer.h>
+#include <base/run_loop.h>
+#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
+#include <base/values.h>
+#include <chromeos/http/http_request.h>
+#include <gmock/gmock.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include "buffet/privet/constants.h"
+#include "buffet/privet/mock_delegates.h"
+using testing::_;
+using testing::DoAll;
+using testing::Invoke;
+using testing::Return;
+using testing::SetArgPointee;
+namespace privetd {
+namespace {
+void LoadTestJson(const std::string& test_json,
+ base::DictionaryValue* dictionary) {
+ std::string json = test_json;
+ base::ReplaceChars(json, "'", "\"", &json);
+ int error = 0;
+ std::string message;
+ std::unique_ptr<base::Value> value(base::JSONReader::ReadAndReturnError(
+ json, base::JSON_PARSE_RFC, &error, &message));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(value.get()) << "\nError: " << message << "\n" << json;
+ base::DictionaryValue* dictionary_ptr = nullptr;
+ if (value->GetAsDictionary(&dictionary_ptr))
+ dictionary->MergeDictionary(dictionary_ptr);
+bool IsEqualValue(const base::Value& val1, const base::Value& val2) {
+ return val1.Equals(&val2);
+struct CodeWithReason {
+ CodeWithReason(int code_in, const std::string& reason_in)
+ : code(code_in), reason(reason_in) {}
+ int code;
+ std::string reason;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const CodeWithReason& error) {
+ return stream << "{" << error.code << ", " << error.reason << "}";
+bool IsEqualError(const CodeWithReason& expected,
+ const base::DictionaryValue& dictionary) {
+ std::string reason;
+ int code = 0;
+ return dictionary.GetInteger("error.http_status", &code) &&
+ code == expected.code && dictionary.GetString("error.code", &reason) &&
+ reason == expected.reason;
+bool IsEqualDictionary(const base::DictionaryValue& dictionary1,
+ const base::DictionaryValue& dictionary2) {
+ base::DictionaryValue::Iterator it1(dictionary1);
+ base::DictionaryValue::Iterator it2(dictionary2);
+ for (; !it1.IsAtEnd() && !it2.IsAtEnd(); it1.Advance(), it2.Advance()) {
+ // Output mismatched keys.
+ EXPECT_EQ(it1.key(), it2.key());
+ if (it1.key() != it2.key())
+ return false;
+ if (it1.key() == "error") {
+ std::string code1;
+ std::string code2;
+ const char kCodeKey[] = "error.code";
+ if (!dictionary1.GetString(kCodeKey, &code1) ||
+ !dictionary2.GetString(kCodeKey, &code2) || code1 != code2) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ const base::DictionaryValue* d1{nullptr};
+ const base::DictionaryValue* d2{nullptr};
+ if (it1.value().GetAsDictionary(&d1) && it2.value().GetAsDictionary(&d2)) {
+ if (!IsEqualDictionary(*d1, *d2))
+ return false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Output mismatched values.
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualValue, it1.value(), it2.value());
+ if (!IsEqualValue(it1.value(), it2.value()))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return it1.IsAtEnd() && it2.IsAtEnd();
+bool IsEqualJson(const std::string& test_json,
+ const base::DictionaryValue& dictionary) {
+ base::DictionaryValue dictionary2;
+ LoadTestJson(test_json, &dictionary2);
+ return IsEqualDictionary(dictionary2, dictionary);
+} // namespace
+class PrivetHandlerTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ PrivetHandlerTest() {}
+ protected:
+ void SetUp() override {
+ auth_header_ = "Privet anonymous";
+ handler_.reset(
+ new PrivetHandler(&cloud_, &device_, &security_, &wifi_, &identity_));
+ }
+ const base::DictionaryValue& HandleRequest(
+ const std::string& api,
+ const base::DictionaryValue* input) {
+ output_.Clear();
+ handler_->HandleRequest(api, auth_header_, input,
+ base::Bind(&PrivetHandlerTest::HandlerCallback,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
+ return output_;
+ }
+ const base::DictionaryValue& HandleRequest(const std::string& api,
+ const std::string& json_input) {
+ base::DictionaryValue dictionary;
+ LoadTestJson(json_input, &dictionary);
+ return HandleRequest(api, &dictionary);
+ }
+ void HandleUnknownRequest(const std::string& api) {
+ output_.Clear();
+ base::DictionaryValue dictionary;
+ handler_->HandleRequest(api, auth_header_, &dictionary,
+ base::Bind(&PrivetHandlerTest::HandlerNoFound));
+ base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
+ }
+ void SetNoWifiAndGcd() {
+ handler_.reset(
+ new PrivetHandler(&cloud_, &device_, &security_, nullptr, &identity_));
+ EXPECT_CALL(cloud_, GetCloudId()).WillRepeatedly(Return(""));
+ EXPECT_CALL(cloud_, GetConnectionState())
+ .WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(gcd_disabled_state_));
+ auto set_error =
+ [](const std::string&, const std::string&, chromeos::ErrorPtr* error) {
+ chromeos::Error::AddTo(error, FROM_HERE, errors::kDomain,
+ "setupUnavailable", "");
+ };
+ EXPECT_CALL(cloud_, Setup(_, _, _))
+ .WillRepeatedly(DoAll(Invoke(set_error), Return(false)));
+ }
+ testing::StrictMock<MockCloudDelegate> cloud_;
+ testing::StrictMock<MockDeviceDelegate> device_;
+ testing::StrictMock<MockSecurityDelegate> security_;
+ testing::StrictMock<MockWifiDelegate> wifi_;
+ testing::StrictMock<MockIdentityDelegate> identity_;
+ std::string auth_header_;
+ private:
+ void HandlerCallback(int status, const base::DictionaryValue& output) {
+ output_.MergeDictionary(&output);
+ if (!output_.HasKey("error")) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(chromeos::http::status_code::Ok, status);
+ return;
+ }
+ EXPECT_NE(chromeos::http::status_code::Ok, status);
+ output_.SetInteger("error.http_status", status);
+ }
+ static void HandlerNoFound(int status, const base::DictionaryValue&) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(status, 404);
+ }
+ base::MessageLoop message_loop_;
+ std::unique_ptr<PrivetHandler> handler_;
+ base::DictionaryValue output_;
+ ConnectionState gcd_disabled_state_{ConnectionState::kDisabled};
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, UnknownApi) {
+ HandleUnknownRequest("/privet/foo");
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, InvalidFormat) {
+ auth_header_ = "";
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(400, "invalidFormat"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/info", nullptr));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, MissingAuth) {
+ auth_header_ = "";
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(401, "missingAuthorization"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/info", "{}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, InvalidAuth) {
+ auth_header_ = "foo";
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(401, "invalidAuthorization"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/info", "{}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, ExpiredAuth) {
+ auth_header_ = "Privet 123";
+ EXPECT_CALL(security_, ParseAccessToken(_, _))
+ .WillRepeatedly(DoAll(SetArgPointee<1>(base::Time()),
+ Return(UserInfo{AuthScope::kOwner, 1})));
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(403, "authorizationExpired"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/info", "{}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, InvalidAuthScope) {
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(403, "invalidAuthorizationScope"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/setup/start", "{}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, InfoMinimal) {
+ SetNoWifiAndGcd();
+ EXPECT_CALL(security_, GetPairingTypes())
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(std::set<PairingType>{}));
+ EXPECT_CALL(security_, GetCryptoTypes())
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(std::set<CryptoType>{}));
+ const char kExpected[] = R"({
+ 'version': '3.0',
+ 'id': 'TestId',
+ 'name': 'TestDevice',
+ 'services': [],
+ 'modelManifestId': "ABMID",
+ 'basicModelManifest': {
+ 'uiDeviceKind': 'developmentBoard',
+ 'oemName': 'Chromium',
+ 'modelName': 'Brillo'
+ },
+ 'endpoints': {
+ 'httpPort': 0,
+ 'httpUpdatesPort': 0,
+ 'httpsPort': 0,
+ 'httpsUpdatesPort': 0
+ },
+ 'authentication': {
+ 'anonymousMaxScope': 'user',
+ 'mode': [
+ 'anonymous',
+ 'pairing'
+ ],
+ 'pairing': [
+ ],
+ 'crypto': [
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gcd': {
+ 'id': '',
+ 'status': 'disabled'
+ },
+ 'uptime': 3600
+ })";
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualJson, kExpected, HandleRequest("/privet/info", "{}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, Info) {
+ EXPECT_CALL(cloud_, GetDescription())
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return("TestDescription"));
+ EXPECT_CALL(cloud_, GetLocation()).WillRepeatedly(Return("TestLocation"));
+ EXPECT_CALL(cloud_, GetServices())
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(std::set<std::string>{"service1", "service2"}));
+ EXPECT_CALL(device_, GetHttpEnpoint())
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(std::make_pair(80, 10080)));
+ EXPECT_CALL(device_, GetHttpsEnpoint())
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(std::make_pair(443, 10443)));
+ EXPECT_CALL(wifi_, GetHostedSsid())
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return("Test_device.BBABCLAprv"));
+ const char kExpected[] = R"({
+ 'version': '3.0',
+ 'id': 'TestId',
+ 'name': 'TestDevice',
+ 'description': 'TestDescription',
+ 'location': 'TestLocation',
+ 'services': [
+ "service1",
+ "service2"
+ ],
+ 'modelManifestId': "ABMID",
+ 'basicModelManifest': {
+ 'uiDeviceKind': 'developmentBoard',
+ 'oemName': 'Chromium',
+ 'modelName': 'Brillo'
+ },
+ 'endpoints': {
+ 'httpPort': 80,
+ 'httpUpdatesPort': 10080,
+ 'httpsPort': 443,
+ 'httpsUpdatesPort': 10443
+ },
+ 'authentication': {
+ 'anonymousMaxScope': 'none',
+ 'mode': [
+ 'anonymous',
+ 'pairing'
+ ],
+ 'pairing': [
+ 'pinCode',
+ 'embeddedCode',
+ 'ultrasound32',
+ 'audible32'
+ ],
+ 'crypto': [
+ 'p224_spake2',
+ 'p256_spake2'
+ ]
+ },
+ 'wifi': {
+ 'capabilities': [
+ '2.4GHz'
+ ],
+ 'ssid': 'TestSsid',
+ 'hostedSsid': 'Test_device.BBABCLAprv',
+ 'status': 'offline'
+ },
+ 'gcd': {
+ 'id': 'TestCloudId',
+ 'status': 'online'
+ },
+ 'uptime': 3600
+ })";
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualJson, kExpected, HandleRequest("/privet/info", "{}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, PairingStartInvalidParams) {
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(400, "invalidParams"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/pairing/start",
+ "{'pairing':'embeddedCode','crypto':'crypto'}"));
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(400, "invalidParams"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/pairing/start",
+ "{'pairing':'code','crypto':'p256_spake2'}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, PairingStart) {
+ IsEqualJson,
+ "{'deviceCommitment': 'testCommitment', 'sessionId': 'testSession'}",
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/pairing/start",
+ "{'pairing': 'embeddedCode', 'crypto': 'p256_spake2'}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, PairingConfirm) {
+ IsEqualJson,
+ "{'certFingerprint':'testFingerprint','certSignature':'testSignature'}",
+ HandleRequest(
+ "/privet/v3/pairing/confirm",
+ "{'sessionId':'testSession','clientCommitment':'testCommitment'}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, PairingCancel) {
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualJson, "{}",
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/pairing/cancel",
+ "{'sessionId': 'testSession'}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, AuthErrorNoType) {
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(400, "invalidAuthMode"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/auth", "{}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, AuthErrorInvalidType) {
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(400, "invalidAuthMode"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/auth", "{'mode':'unknown'}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, AuthErrorNoScope) {
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(400, "invalidRequestedScope"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/auth", "{'mode':'anonymous'}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, AuthErrorInvalidScope) {
+ IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(400, "invalidRequestedScope"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/auth",
+ "{'mode':'anonymous','requestedScope':'unknown'}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, AuthErrorAccessDenied) {
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(403, "accessDenied"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/auth",
+ "{'mode':'anonymous','requestedScope':'owner'}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, AuthErrorInvalidAuthCode) {
+ EXPECT_CALL(security_, IsValidPairingCode("testToken"))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(false));
+ const char kInput[] = R"({
+ 'mode': 'pairing',
+ 'requestedScope': 'user',
+ 'authCode': 'testToken'
+ })";
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(403, "invalidAuthCode"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/auth", kInput));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, AuthAnonymous) {
+ const char kExpected[] = R"({
+ 'accessToken': 'GuestAccessToken',
+ 'expiresIn': 3600,
+ 'scope': 'user',
+ 'tokenType': 'Privet'
+ })";
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualJson, kExpected,
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/auth",
+ "{'mode':'anonymous','requestedScope':'auto'}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerTest, AuthPairing) {
+ EXPECT_CALL(security_, IsValidPairingCode("testToken"))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(true));
+ EXPECT_CALL(security_, CreateAccessToken(_, _))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return("OwnerAccessToken"));
+ const char kInput[] = R"({
+ 'mode': 'pairing',
+ 'requestedScope': 'owner',
+ 'authCode': 'testToken'
+ })";
+ const char kExpected[] = R"({
+ 'accessToken': 'OwnerAccessToken',
+ 'expiresIn': 3600,
+ 'scope': 'owner',
+ 'tokenType': 'Privet'
+ })";
+ IsEqualJson, kExpected, HandleRequest("/privet/v3/auth", kInput));
+class PrivetHandlerSetupTest : public PrivetHandlerTest {
+ public:
+ void SetUp() override {
+ PrivetHandlerTest::SetUp();
+ auth_header_ = "Privet 123";
+ EXPECT_CALL(security_, ParseAccessToken(_, _))
+ .WillRepeatedly(DoAll(SetArgPointee<1>(base::Time::Now()),
+ Return(UserInfo{AuthScope::kOwner, 1})));
+ }
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerSetupTest, StatusEmpty) {
+ SetNoWifiAndGcd();
+ IsEqualJson, "{}", HandleRequest("/privet/v3/setup/status", "{}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerSetupTest, StatusWifi) {
+ wifi_.setup_state_ = SetupState{SetupState::kSuccess};
+ const char kExpected[] = R"({
+ 'wifi': {
+ 'ssid': 'TestSsid',
+ 'status': 'success'
+ }
+ })";
+ IsEqualJson, kExpected, HandleRequest("/privet/v3/setup/status", "{}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerSetupTest, StatusWifiError) {
+ chromeos::ErrorPtr error;
+ chromeos::Error::AddTo(&error, FROM_HERE, "test", "invalidPassphrase", "");
+ wifi_.setup_state_ = SetupState{std::move(error)};
+ const char kExpected[] = R"({
+ 'wifi': {
+ 'status': 'error',
+ 'error': {
+ 'code': 'invalidPassphrase'
+ }
+ }
+ })";
+ IsEqualJson, kExpected, HandleRequest("/privet/v3/setup/status", "{}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerSetupTest, StatusGcd) {
+ cloud_.setup_state_ = SetupState{SetupState::kSuccess};
+ const char kExpected[] = R"({
+ 'gcd': {
+ 'id': 'TestCloudId',
+ 'status': 'success'
+ }
+ })";
+ IsEqualJson, kExpected, HandleRequest("/privet/v3/setup/status", "{}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerSetupTest, StatusGcdError) {
+ chromeos::ErrorPtr error;
+ chromeos::Error::AddTo(&error, FROM_HERE, "test", "invalidTicket", "");
+ cloud_.setup_state_ = SetupState{std::move(error)};
+ const char kExpected[] = R"({
+ 'gcd': {
+ 'status': 'error',
+ 'error': {
+ 'code': 'invalidTicket'
+ }
+ }
+ })";
+ IsEqualJson, kExpected, HandleRequest("/privet/v3/setup/status", "{}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerSetupTest, SetupNameDescriptionLocation) {
+ EXPECT_CALL(cloud_, UpdateDeviceInfo("testName", "testDescription",
+ "testLocation", _, _)).Times(1);
+ const char kInput[] = R"({
+ 'name': 'testName',
+ 'description': 'testDescription',
+ 'location': 'testLocation'
+ })";
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualJson, "{}",
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/setup/start", kInput));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerSetupTest, InvalidParams) {
+ const char kInputWifi[] = R"({
+ 'wifi': {
+ 'ssid': ''
+ }
+ })";
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(400, "invalidParams"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/setup/start", kInputWifi));
+ const char kInputRegistration[] = R"({
+ 'gcd': {
+ 'ticketId': ''
+ }
+ })";
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(400, "invalidParams"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/setup/start", kInputRegistration));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerSetupTest, WifiSetupUnavailable) {
+ SetNoWifiAndGcd();
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(400, "setupUnavailable"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/setup/start", "{'wifi': {}}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerSetupTest, WifiSetup) {
+ const char kInput[] = R"({
+ 'wifi': {
+ 'ssid': 'testSsid',
+ 'passphrase': 'testPass'
+ }
+ })";
+ auto set_error = [](const std::string&, const std::string&,
+ chromeos::ErrorPtr* error) {
+ chromeos::Error::AddTo(error, FROM_HERE, errors::kDomain, "deviceBusy", "");
+ };
+ EXPECT_CALL(wifi_, ConfigureCredentials(_, _, _))
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(Invoke(set_error), Return(false)));
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(503, "deviceBusy"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/setup/start", kInput));
+ const char kExpected[] = R"({
+ 'wifi': {
+ 'status': 'inProgress'
+ }
+ })";
+ wifi_.setup_state_ = SetupState{SetupState::kInProgress};
+ EXPECT_CALL(wifi_, ConfigureCredentials("testSsid", "testPass", _))
+ .WillOnce(Return(true));
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualJson, kExpected,
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/setup/start", kInput));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerSetupTest, GcdSetupUnavailable) {
+ SetNoWifiAndGcd();
+ const char kInput[] = R"({
+ 'gcd': {
+ 'ticketId': 'testTicket',
+ 'user': 'testUser'
+ }
+ })";
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(400, "setupUnavailable"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/setup/start", kInput));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerSetupTest, GcdSetup) {
+ const char kInput[] = R"({
+ 'gcd': {
+ 'ticketId': 'testTicket',
+ 'user': 'testUser'
+ }
+ })";
+ auto set_error = [](const std::string&, const std::string&,
+ chromeos::ErrorPtr* error) {
+ chromeos::Error::AddTo(error, FROM_HERE, errors::kDomain, "deviceBusy", "");
+ };
+ EXPECT_CALL(cloud_, Setup(_, _, _))
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(Invoke(set_error), Return(false)));
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(503, "deviceBusy"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/setup/start", kInput));
+ const char kExpected[] = R"({
+ 'gcd': {
+ 'status': 'inProgress'
+ }
+ })";
+ cloud_.setup_state_ = SetupState{SetupState::kInProgress};
+ EXPECT_CALL(cloud_, Setup("testTicket", "testUser", _))
+ .WillOnce(Return(true));
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualJson, kExpected,
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/setup/start", kInput));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerSetupTest, State) {
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualJson, "{'state': {'test': {}}, 'fingerprint': '0'}",
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/state", "{}"));
+ cloud_.NotifyOnStateChanged();
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualJson, "{'state': {'test': {}}, 'fingerprint': '1'}",
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/state", "{}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerSetupTest, CommandsDefs) {
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualJson, "{'commands': {'test':{}}, 'fingerprint': '0'}",
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/commandDefs", "{}"));
+ cloud_.NotifyOnCommandDefsChanged();
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualJson, "{'commands': {'test':{}}, 'fingerprint': '1'}",
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/commandDefs", "{}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerSetupTest, CommandsExecute) {
+ const char kInput[] = "{'name': 'test'}";
+ base::DictionaryValue command;
+ LoadTestJson(kInput, &command);
+ LoadTestJson("{'id':'5'}", &command);
+ EXPECT_CALL(cloud_, AddCommand(_, _, _, _))
+ .WillOnce(RunCallback<2, const base::DictionaryValue&>(command));
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualJson, "{'name':'test', 'id':'5'}",
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/commands/execute", kInput));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerSetupTest, CommandsStatus) {
+ const char kInput[] = "{'id': '5'}";
+ base::DictionaryValue command;
+ LoadTestJson(kInput, &command);
+ LoadTestJson("{'name':'test'}", &command);
+ EXPECT_CALL(cloud_, GetCommand(_, _, _, _))
+ .WillOnce(RunCallback<2, const base::DictionaryValue&>(command));
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualJson, "{'name':'test', 'id':'5'}",
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/commands/status", kInput));
+ chromeos::ErrorPtr error;
+ chromeos::Error::AddTo(&error, FROM_HERE, errors::kDomain, "notFound", "");
+ EXPECT_CALL(cloud_, GetCommand(_, _, _, _))
+ .WillOnce(RunCallback<3>(error.get()));
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(404, "notFound"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/commands/status", "{'id': '15'}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerSetupTest, CommandsCancel) {
+ const char kExpected[] = "{'id': '5', 'name':'test', 'state':'cancelled'}";
+ base::DictionaryValue command;
+ LoadTestJson(kExpected, &command);
+ EXPECT_CALL(cloud_, CancelCommand(_, _, _, _))
+ .WillOnce(RunCallback<2, const base::DictionaryValue&>(command));
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualJson, kExpected,
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/commands/cancel", "{'id': '8'}"));
+ chromeos::ErrorPtr error;
+ chromeos::Error::AddTo(&error, FROM_HERE, errors::kDomain, "notFound", "");
+ EXPECT_CALL(cloud_, CancelCommand(_, _, _, _))
+ .WillOnce(RunCallback<3>(error.get()));
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualError, CodeWithReason(404, "notFound"),
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/commands/cancel", "{'id': '11'}"));
+TEST_F(PrivetHandlerSetupTest, CommandsList) {
+ const char kExpected[] = R"({
+ 'commands' : [
+ {'id':'5', 'state':'cancelled'},
+ {'id':'15', 'state':'inProgress'}
+ ]})";
+ base::DictionaryValue commands;
+ LoadTestJson(kExpected, &commands);
+ EXPECT_CALL(cloud_, ListCommands(_, _, _))
+ .WillOnce(RunCallback<1, const base::DictionaryValue&>(commands));
+ EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualJson, kExpected,
+ HandleRequest("/privet/v3/commands/list", "{}"));
+} // namespace privetd