buffet: Added advanced error reporting

Created chromeos::Error class that encapsulates rich error
information from various system domains.

Swept GCD device registration, HTTP transport and utilities
to always return additional error information when the caller
requests it. This includes internal errors, general HTTP errors
as well as parsing and returning specific GCD and OAuth2 server
error responses.

Also fixed a number of existing linter warnings.

TEST=All existing and new unit tests pass.

Change-Id: Ic01622a8efa3dc365ec106e595b09536818b9b23
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/198772
Tested-by: Alex Vakulenko <avakulenko@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Christopher Wiley <wiley@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Alex Vakulenko <avakulenko@chromium.org>
diff --git a/buffet/device_registration_info.cc b/buffet/device_registration_info.cc
index e1cadbf..6a7f813 100644
--- a/buffet/device_registration_info.cc
+++ b/buffet/device_registration_info.cc
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 #include "buffet/device_registration_info.h"
 #include <memory>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
 #include <base/json/json_writer.h>
 #include <base/values.h>
@@ -18,8 +20,12 @@
 #include "buffet/string_utils.h"
 #include "buffet/url_utils.h"
-using namespace chromeos;
-using namespace chromeos::data_encoding;
+using namespace chromeos;  // NOLINT(build/namespaces)
+const char buffet::kErrorDomainOAuth2[] = "oauth2";
+const char buffet::kErrorDomainGCD[] = "gcd";
+const char buffet::kErrorDomainGCDServer[] = "gcd_server";
+const char buffet::kErrorDomainBuffet[] = "buffet";
 namespace buffet {
 namespace storage_keys {
@@ -63,22 +69,24 @@
   std::string authorization = string_utils::Join(' ',
-  return {http::request_header::kAuthorization, authorization};
+  // Linter doesn't like the ; after } on the following line...
+  return {http::request_header::kAuthorization, authorization};  // NOLINT
 std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> ParseOAuthResponse(
-    const http::Response* response, std::string* error_message) {
+    const http::Response* response, ErrorPtr* error) {
   int code = 0;
-  auto resp = http::ParseJsonResponse(response, &code, error_message);
+  auto resp = http::ParseJsonResponse(response, &code, error);
   if (resp && code >= http::status_code::BadRequest) {
-    if (error_message) {
-      error_message->clear();
-      std::string error_code, error;
+    if (error) {
+      std::string error_code, error_message;
       if (resp->GetString("error", &error_code) &&
-          resp->GetString("error_description", &error)) {
-        *error_message = error_code + " (" + error + ")";
+          resp->GetString("error_description", &error_message)) {
+        Error::AddTo(error, buffet::kErrorDomainOAuth2, error_code,
+                     error_message);
       } else {
-        *error_message = "Unexpected OAuth error";
+        Error::AddTo(error, buffet::kErrorDomainOAuth2,
+                     "unexpected_response", "Unexpected OAuth error");
     return std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>();
@@ -86,9 +94,45 @@
   return resp;
+inline void SetUnexpectedError(ErrorPtr* error) {
+  Error::AddTo(error, buffet::kErrorDomainGCD, "unexpected_response",
+               "Unexpected GCD error");
+void ParseGCDError(const base::DictionaryValue* json, ErrorPtr* error) {
+  if (!error)
+    return;
+  const base::Value* list_value = nullptr;
+  const base::ListValue* error_list = nullptr;
+  if (!json->Get("error.errors", &list_value) ||
+      !list_value->GetAsList(&error_list)) {
+    SetUnexpectedError(error);
+    return;
+  }
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < error_list->GetSize(); i++) {
+    const base::Value* error_value = nullptr;
+    const base::DictionaryValue* error_object = nullptr;
+    if (!error_list->Get(i, &error_value) ||
+        !error_value->GetAsDictionary(&error_object)) {
+      SetUnexpectedError(error);
+      continue;
+    }
+    std::string error_code, error_message;
+    if (error_object->GetString("reason", &error_code) &&
+        error_object->GetString("message", &error_message)) {
+      Error::AddTo(error, buffet::kErrorDomainGCDServer,
+                    error_code, error_message);
+    } else {
+      SetUnexpectedError(error);
+    }
+  }
 std::string BuildURL(const std::string& url,
                      const std::vector<std::string>& subpaths,
-                     const WebParamList& params) {
+                     const data_encoding::WebParamList& params) {
   std::string result = url::CombineMultiple(url, subpaths);
   return url::AppendQueryParams(result, params);
@@ -116,23 +160,26 @@
 std::string DeviceRegistrationInfo::GetServiceURL(
-    const std::string& subpath, const WebParamList& params) const {
+    const std::string& subpath,
+    const data_encoding::WebParamList& params) const {
   return BuildURL(service_url_, {subpath}, params);
 std::string DeviceRegistrationInfo::GetDeviceURL(
-    const std::string& subpath, const WebParamList& params) const {
+    const std::string& subpath,
+    const data_encoding::WebParamList& params) const {
   CHECK(!device_id_.empty()) << "Must have a valid device ID";
   return BuildURL(service_url_, {"devices", device_id_, subpath}, params);
-std::string DeviceRegistrationInfo::GetOAuthURL(const std::string& subpath,
-                                    const WebParamList& params) const {
+std::string DeviceRegistrationInfo::GetOAuthURL(
+    const std::string& subpath,
+    const data_encoding::WebParamList& params) const {
   return BuildURL(oauth_url_, {subpath}, params);
-std::string DeviceRegistrationInfo::GetDeviceId() {
-  return CheckRegistration() ? device_id_ : std::string();
+std::string DeviceRegistrationInfo::GetDeviceId(ErrorPtr* error) {
+  return CheckRegistration(error) ? device_id_ : std::string();
 bool DeviceRegistrationInfo::Load() {
@@ -192,20 +239,22 @@
   return storage_->Save(&dict);
-bool DeviceRegistrationInfo::CheckRegistration() {
+bool DeviceRegistrationInfo::CheckRegistration(ErrorPtr* error) {
   LOG(INFO) << "Checking device registration record.";
   if (refresh_token_.empty() ||
       device_id_.empty() ||
       device_robot_account_.empty()) {
     LOG(INFO) << "No valid device registration record found.";
+    Error::AddTo(error, kErrorDomainGCD, "device_not_registered",
+                 "No valid device registration record found");
     return false;
   LOG(INFO) << "Device registration record found.";
-  return ValidateAndRefreshAccessToken();
+  return ValidateAndRefreshAccessToken(error);
-bool DeviceRegistrationInfo::ValidateAndRefreshAccessToken() {
+bool DeviceRegistrationInfo::ValidateAndRefreshAccessToken(ErrorPtr* error) {
   LOG(INFO) << "Checking access token expiration.";
   if (!access_token_.empty() &&
       !access_token_expiration_.is_null() &&
@@ -219,16 +268,13 @@
     {"client_id", client_id_},
     {"client_secret", client_secret_},
     {"grant_type", "refresh_token"},
-  }, transport_);
+  }, transport_, error);
   if (!response)
     return false;
-  std::string error;
-  auto json = ParseOAuthResponse(response.get(), &error);
-  if (!json) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to refresh access token: " << error;
+  auto json = ParseOAuthResponse(response.get(), error);
+  if (!json)
     return false;
-  }
   int expires_in = 0;
   if (!json->GetString("access_token", &access_token_) ||
@@ -236,6 +282,8 @@
       access_token_.empty() ||
       expires_in <= 0) {
     LOG(ERROR) << "Access token unavailable.";
+    Error::AddTo(error, kErrorDomainOAuth2, "unexpected_server_response",
+                 "Access token unavailable");
     return false;
@@ -247,40 +295,41 @@
   return true;
-std::unique_ptr<base::Value> DeviceRegistrationInfo::GetDeviceInfo() {
-  if (!CheckRegistration())
+std::unique_ptr<base::Value> DeviceRegistrationInfo::GetDeviceInfo(
+    ErrorPtr* error) {
+  if (!CheckRegistration(error))
     return std::unique_ptr<base::Value>();
   auto response = http::Get(GetDeviceURL(),
-                            {GetAuthorizationHeader()}, transport_);
+                            {GetAuthorizationHeader()}, transport_, error);
   int status_code = 0;
-  std::unique_ptr<base::Value> device_info =
-      http::ParseJsonResponse(response.get(), &status_code, nullptr);
-  if (device_info) {
+  std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> json =
+      http::ParseJsonResponse(response.get(), &status_code, error);
+  if (json) {
     if (status_code >= http::status_code::BadRequest) {
       LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to retrieve the device info. Response code = "
                    << status_code;
+      ParseGCDError(json.get(), error);
       return std::unique_ptr<base::Value>();
-  return device_info;
+  return std::unique_ptr<base::Value>(json.release());
 bool CheckParam(const std::string& param_name,
                 const std::string& param_value,
-                std::string* error_msg) {
+                ErrorPtr* error) {
   if (!param_value.empty())
     return true;
-  if (error_msg)
-    *error_msg = "Parameter " + param_name + " not specified";
+  Error::AddTo(error, kErrorDomainBuffet, "missing_parameter",
+               "Parameter " + param_name + " not specified");
   return false;
 std::string DeviceRegistrationInfo::StartRegistration(
     const std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<base::Value>>& params,
-  std::string* error_msg) {
+    ErrorPtr* error) {
   GetParamValue(params, storage_keys::kClientId, &client_id_);
   GetParamValue(params, storage_keys::kClientSecret, &client_secret_);
   GetParamValue(params, storage_keys::kApiKey, &api_key_);
@@ -291,19 +340,19 @@
   GetParamValue(params, storage_keys::kOAuthURL, &oauth_url_);
   GetParamValue(params, storage_keys::kServiceURL, &service_url_);
-  if (!CheckParam(storage_keys::kClientId, client_id_, error_msg))
+  if (!CheckParam(storage_keys::kClientId, client_id_, error))
     return std::string();
-  if (!CheckParam(storage_keys::kClientSecret, client_secret_, error_msg))
+  if (!CheckParam(storage_keys::kClientSecret, client_secret_, error))
     return std::string();
-  if (!CheckParam(storage_keys::kApiKey, api_key_, error_msg))
+  if (!CheckParam(storage_keys::kApiKey, api_key_, error))
     return std::string();
-  if (!CheckParam(storage_keys::kDeviceKind, device_kind_, error_msg))
+  if (!CheckParam(storage_keys::kDeviceKind, device_kind_, error))
     return std::string();
-  if (!CheckParam(storage_keys::kSystemName, system_name_, error_msg))
+  if (!CheckParam(storage_keys::kSystemName, system_name_, error))
     return std::string();
-  if (!CheckParam(storage_keys::kOAuthURL, oauth_url_, error_msg))
+  if (!CheckParam(storage_keys::kOAuthURL, oauth_url_, error))
     return std::string();
-  if (!CheckParam(storage_keys::kServiceURL, service_url_, error_msg))
+  if (!CheckParam(storage_keys::kServiceURL, service_url_, error))
     return std::string();
   std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string>>> commands = {
@@ -339,20 +388,16 @@
   std::string url = GetServiceURL("registrationTickets", {{"key", api_key_}});
   auto resp_json = http::ParseJsonResponse(
-      http::PostJson(url, &req_json, transport_).get(), nullptr, error_msg);
+      http::PostJson(url, &req_json, transport_, error).get(), nullptr, error);
   if (!resp_json)
     return std::string();
-  const base::DictionaryValue* resp_dict = nullptr;
-  if (!resp_json->GetAsDictionary(&resp_dict)) {
-    if (error_msg)
-      *error_msg = "Invalid response received";
+  if (!resp_json->GetString("id", &ticket_id_)) {
+    Error::AddTo(error, kErrorDomainGCD, "unexpected_response",
+                 "Device ID missing");
     return std::string();
-  if (!resp_dict->GetString("id", &ticket_id_))
-    return std::string();
   std::string auth_url = GetOAuthURL("auth", {
     {"scope", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/clouddevices"},
     {"redirect_uri", "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"},
@@ -370,90 +415,103 @@
 bool DeviceRegistrationInfo::FinishRegistration(
-    const std::string& user_auth_code) {
+    const std::string& user_auth_code, ErrorPtr* error) {
   if (ticket_id_.empty()) {
     LOG(ERROR) << "Finish registration without ticket ID";
+    Error::AddTo(error, kErrorDomainBuffet, "registration_not_started",
+                 "Device registration not started");
     return false;
   std::string url = GetServiceURL("registrationTickets/" + ticket_id_);
   std::unique_ptr<http::Response> response;
   if (!user_auth_code.empty()) {
-    std::string user_access_token;
     response = http::PostFormData(GetOAuthURL("token"), {
       {"code", user_auth_code},
       {"client_id", client_id_},
       {"client_secret", client_secret_},
       {"redirect_uri", "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"},
       {"grant_type", "authorization_code"}
-    }, transport_);
+    }, transport_, error);
     if (!response)
       return false;
-    std::string error;
-    auto json_resp = ParseOAuthResponse(response.get(), &error);
-    if (!json_resp ||
-        !json_resp->GetString("access_token", &user_access_token)) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing OAuth response: " << error;
+    auto json_resp = ParseOAuthResponse(response.get(), error);
+    if (!json_resp)
+      return false;
+    std::string user_access_token;
+    std::string token_type;
+    if (!json_resp->GetString("access_token", &user_access_token) ||
+        !json_resp->GetString("token_type", &token_type)) {
+      Error::AddTo(error, kErrorDomainOAuth2, "unexpected_response",
+                   "User access_token is missing in response");
       return false;
     base::DictionaryValue user_info;
     user_info.SetString("userEmail", "me");
     response = http::PatchJson(
-        url, &user_info, {BuildAuthHeader("Bearer", user_access_token)},
-        transport_);
+        url, &user_info, {BuildAuthHeader(token_type, user_access_token)},
+        transport_, error);
-    auto json = http::ParseJsonResponse(response.get(), nullptr, &error);
-    if (!json) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Error populating user info: " << error;
+    auto json = http::ParseJsonResponse(response.get(), nullptr, error);
+    if (!json)
       return false;
-    }
   std::string auth_code;
   url += "/finalize?key=" + api_key_;
   LOG(INFO) << "Sending request to: " << url;
-  response = http::PostBinary(url, nullptr, 0, transport_);
-  if (response && response->IsSuccessful()) {
-    auto json_resp = http::ParseJsonResponse(response.get(), nullptr, nullptr);
-    if (json_resp &&
-        json_resp->GetString("robotAccountEmail", &device_robot_account_) &&
-        json_resp->GetString("robotAccountAuthorizationCode", &auth_code) &&
-        json_resp->GetString("deviceDraft.id", &device_id_)) {
-      // Now get access_token and refresh_token
-      response = http::PostFormData(GetOAuthURL("token"), {
-        {"code", auth_code},
-        {"client_id", client_id_},
-        {"client_secret", client_secret_},
-        {"redirect_uri", "oob"},
-        {"scope", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/clouddevices"},
-        {"grant_type", "authorization_code"}
-      }, transport_);
-      if (!response)
-        return false;
-      json_resp = ParseOAuthResponse(response.get(), nullptr);
-      int expires_in = 0;
-      if (!json_resp ||
-          !json_resp->GetString("access_token", &access_token_) ||
-          !json_resp->GetString("refresh_token", &refresh_token_) ||
-          !json_resp->GetInteger("expires_in", &expires_in) ||
-          access_token_.empty() ||
-          refresh_token_.empty() ||
-          expires_in <= 0) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "Access token unavailable";
-        return false;
-      }
-      access_token_expiration_ = base::Time::Now() +
-                                 base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(expires_in);
-      Save();
-    }
-    return true;
+  response = http::PostBinary(url, nullptr, 0, transport_, error);
+  if (!response)
+    return false;
+  auto json_resp = http::ParseJsonResponse(response.get(), nullptr, error);
+  if (!json_resp)
+    return false;
+  if (!response->IsSuccessful()) {
+    ParseGCDError(json_resp.get(), error);
+    return false;
-  return false;
+  if (!json_resp->GetString("robotAccountEmail", &device_robot_account_) ||
+      !json_resp->GetString("robotAccountAuthorizationCode", &auth_code) ||
+      !json_resp->GetString("deviceDraft.id", &device_id_)) {
+    Error::AddTo(error, kErrorDomainGCD, "unexpected_response",
+                 "Device account missing in response");
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Now get access_token and refresh_token
+  response = http::PostFormData(GetOAuthURL("token"), {
+    {"code", auth_code},
+    {"client_id", client_id_},
+    {"client_secret", client_secret_},
+    {"redirect_uri", "oob"},
+    {"scope", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/clouddevices"},
+    {"grant_type", "authorization_code"}
+  }, transport_, error);
+  if (!response)
+    return false;
+  json_resp = ParseOAuthResponse(response.get(), error);
+  int expires_in = 0;
+  if (!json_resp ||
+      !json_resp->GetString("access_token", &access_token_) ||
+      !json_resp->GetString("refresh_token", &refresh_token_) ||
+      !json_resp->GetInteger("expires_in", &expires_in) ||
+      access_token_.empty() ||
+      refresh_token_.empty() ||
+      expires_in <= 0) {
+    Error::AddTo(error, kErrorDomainGCD, "unexpected_response",
+                  "Device access_token missing in response");
+    return false;
+  }
+  access_token_expiration_ = base::Time::Now() +
+                             base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(expires_in);
+  Save();
+  return true;
 }  // namespace buffet