Added comments into weave/settings.h

Change-Id: Ic511385780217343a07b770d7bcf482ca32c09bb
Reviewed-by: Vitaly Buka <>
diff --git a/libweave/include/weave/settings.h b/libweave/include/weave/settings.h
index 4d55f97..84d7e0b 100644
--- a/libweave/include/weave/settings.h
+++ b/libweave/include/weave/settings.h
@@ -20,32 +20,42 @@
   std::string model_name;
   std::string model_id;
-  // Basic device information. Can be set from ConfigStore::LoadDefaults.
+  // Basic device information. Must be set from ConfigStore::LoadDefaults.
   std::string name;
   std::string description;
   std::string location;
-  // Cloud information. Must be set from ConfigStore::LoadDefaults.
+  // OAuth 2.0 related options. Must be set from ConfigStore::LoadDefaults.
   std::string api_key;
   std::string client_id;
   std::string client_secret;
+  // Options mirrored into "base" state.
+  // Maximum role for local anonymous user.
+  std::string local_anonymous_access_role;
+  // If true, allows local discovery using DNS-SD.
+  bool local_discovery_enabled{true};
+  // If true, allows local pairing using Privet API.
+  bool local_pairing_enabled{true};
+  // Set of pairing modes supported by device.
+  std::set<PairingType> pairing_modes;
+  // Embedded code. Will be used only if pairing_modes contains kEmbeddedCode.
+  std::string embedded_code;
   // Optional cloud information. Can be used for testing or debugging.
   std::string oauth_url;
   std::string service_url;
-  std::string local_anonymous_access_role;
-  bool local_discovery_enabled{true};
-  bool local_pairing_enabled{true};
+  // Cloud ID of the registered device. Empty of device is not registered.
+  std::string cloud_id;
+  // Internal options used by libweave. External code should not use them.
   base::TimeDelta polling_period;
   base::TimeDelta backup_polling_period;
   bool wifi_auto_setup_enabled{true};
   bool ble_setup_enabled{false};
-  std::set<PairingType> pairing_modes;
-  std::string embedded_code;
-  std::string cloud_id;
   std::string refresh_token;
   std::string robot_account;
   std::string last_configured_ssid;