| Overview |
| -------- |
| The wrapper implements OS dependent services for libweave |
| |
| Building |
| -------- |
| - prepare environment |
| examples/ubuntu/prerequisites.sh |
| - build daemon |
| examples/ubuntu/build.sh |
| - binaries for daemon is at |
| out/Debug/weave |
| |
| Prepare Host OS |
| --------------- |
| enable user-service-publishing in avahi daemon |
| file: /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf |
| check: disable-user-service-publishing=no |
| restart: sudo service avahi-daemon restart |
| |
| Acquire Registration Ticket |
| --------------------------- |
| Goto https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/ |
| - "Step 1", paste to "Authorize APIs" with |
| https://www.googleapis.com/auth/clouddevices |
| click "Authorize APIs", then "Allow" to get an |
| "authorization code" |
| - "Step 2", "Exchange authorization code for tokens" |
| - "Step 3", obtain a registration ticket for your new weave device |
| HTTP Method: POST |
| Request URI: https://www.googleapis.com/clouddevices/v1/registrationTickets |
| Enter request body: |
| { |
| "userEmail": "me" |
| } |
| then "Send the request", a ticket id will be returned in |
| { |
| "userEmail": "user@google.com", |
| "kind": "clouddevices#registrationTicket", |
| "expirationTimeMs": "1443204934855", |
| "deviceId": "0f8a5ff5-1ef0-ec39-f9d8-66d1caeb9e3d", |
| "creationTimeMs": "1443204694855", |
| "id": "93019287-6b26-04a0-22ee-d55ad23a4226" |
| } |
| Note: the ticket "id" is not used within 240 sec, it will be expired. |
| |
| Register device to cloud |
| ------------------------ |
| - copy the ticket "id" generated above |
| 93019287-6b26-04a0-22ee-d55ad23a4226 |
| - go to ubuntu terminal, register ubuntu and start daemon with |
| |
| sudo out/Debug/weave --registration_ticket=93019287-6b26-04a0-22ee-d55ad23a4226 |
| |
| you should see something like: |
| Publishing service |
| Saving settings to /var/lib/weave/weave_settings.json |
| |
| note: in second and future runs, --registration_ticket |
| options is not necessary anymore |
| |
| - get your device id with |
| sudo cat /var/lib/weave/weave_settings.json |
| you should see |
| ... |
| "device_id": 0f8a5ff5-1ef0-ec39-f9d8-66d1caeb9e3d |
| ... |
| |
| this device_id shall be used for future communication |
| with your device. it does not expire and no need to |
| register. |
| |
| - verify device is up with Weave Device Manager at |
| android: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.google.android.apps.weave.management |
| chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/weave-device-manager/pcdgflbjckpjmlofgopidgdfonmnodfm |
| [need your whitelisted EAP account] |
| |
| Send Command to Ubuntu Device |
| ----------------------------- |
| - go to the oauthplayground used for registration ticket command |
| in "Step 3", send base.identify with |
| HTTP Method: POST |
| Request URI: https://www.googleapis.com/clouddevices/v1/commands |
| Enter request body: |
| { |
| "deviceId": "0f8a5ff5-1ef0-ec39-f9d8-66d1caeb9e3d", |
| "name": "_greeter._greet" |
| } |
| "Send the request", you command will be "queued" as its "state" |
| |
| - verify the command execution with weave daemon |
| in terminal running the daemon, observe something similar to |
| New command '_greeter._greet' arrived, ... |
| received command: _greeter._greet |
| _greeter._greet command: finished |
| - verify the command history with oauthplayground |
| Similar to "Acquire Registration Ticket" section in this document, |
| except in "step 3", do: |
| |
| HTTP Method: GET [not POST anymore] |
| Request URI: https://www.googleapis.com/clouddevices/v1/commands?deviceId=0f8a5ff5-1ef0-ec39-f9d8-66d1caeb9e3d |
| |
| "Send the request", you get all of the commands executed on your |
| device, find something like |
| "kind": "clouddevices#command", |
| "name": "_greeter._greet", |
| "results": { |
| "_greeting": "Hello cloud user" |
| }, |
| ... |
| |