blob: 960802bdbea3c61f6e7b6648c02f8e2d70c1652e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Weave Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <weave/error.h>
#include "src/commands/schema_utils.h"
namespace base {
class Value;
class DictionaryValue;
} // namespace base
namespace weave {
// Enumeration to indicate supported command parameter types.
enum class ValueType {
class PropValue;
class IntValue;
class DoubleValue;
class StringValue;
class BooleanValue;
class ObjectValue;
class ArrayValue;
class PropType;
// Helper methods to get the parameter type enum value for the given
// native C++ data representation.
// The generic GetValueType<T>() is undefined, however particular
// type specializations return the appropriate ValueType.
template <typename T>
ValueType GetValueType(); // Undefined.
template <>
inline ValueType GetValueType<int>() {
return ValueType::Int;
template <>
inline ValueType GetValueType<double>() {
return ValueType::Double;
template <>
inline ValueType GetValueType<std::string>() {
return ValueType::String;
template <>
inline ValueType GetValueType<bool>() {
return ValueType::Boolean;
template <>
inline ValueType GetValueType<ValueMap>() {
return ValueType::Object;
template <>
inline ValueType GetValueType<ValueVector>() {
return ValueType::Array;
// The base class for property values.
// Concrete value classes of various types will be derived from this base.
// A property value is the actual command parameter value (or a concrete value
// that can be used in constraints and presets). The PropValue is mostly
// just parsed content of base::Value when a command is dispatched, however
// it does have some additional functionality:
// - it has a reference to the type definition (PropType) which is used
// when validating the value, especially for "object" types.
// - it can be compared with another instances of values of the same type.
// This is used to validate the values against "enum"/"one of" constraints.
class PropValue {
// Only CreateDefaultValue should use this constructor.
explicit PropValue(const PropType& type);
virtual ~PropValue();
// Gets the type of the value.
virtual ValueType GetType() const = 0;
// Type conversion methods. Used in lieu of RTTI and dynamic_cast<>.
virtual IntValue* GetInt() { return nullptr; }
virtual IntValue const* GetInt() const { return nullptr; }
virtual DoubleValue* GetDouble() { return nullptr; }
virtual DoubleValue const* GetDouble() const { return nullptr; }
virtual StringValue* GetString() { return nullptr; }
virtual StringValue const* GetString() const { return nullptr; }
virtual BooleanValue* GetBoolean() { return nullptr; }
virtual BooleanValue const* GetBoolean() const { return nullptr; }
virtual ObjectValue* GetObject() { return nullptr; }
virtual ObjectValue const* GetObject() const { return nullptr; }
virtual ArrayValue* GetArray() { return nullptr; }
virtual ArrayValue const* GetArray() const { return nullptr; }
// Makes a full copy of this value class.
virtual std::unique_ptr<PropValue> Clone() const = 0;
// Saves the value as a JSON object. Never fails.
virtual std::unique_ptr<base::Value> ToJson() const = 0;
// Return the type definition of this value.
const PropType* GetPropType() const { return type_.get(); }
// Compares two values and returns true if they are equal.
virtual bool IsEqual(const PropValue* value) const = 0;
// Special out-of-line constructor to help implement PropValue::Clone().
// That method needs to clone the underlying type but can't do this in this
// header file since PropType is just forward-declared (it needs PropValue
// fully defined in its own inner workings).
explicit PropValue(const PropValue& other);
std::unique_ptr<const PropType> type_;
// A helper template base class for implementing value classes.
template <typename T>
class TypedValueBase : public PropValue {
TypedValueBase(const PropType& type) : PropValue(type) {}
// Overrides from PropValue base class.
ValueType GetType() const override { return GetValueType<T>(); }
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> ToJson() const override {
return TypedValueToJson(value_);
bool IsEqual(const PropValue* value) const override {
if (GetType() != value->GetType())
return false;
return CompareValue(GetValue(),
static_cast<const TypedValueBase*>(value)->GetValue());
// Helper methods to get and set the C++ representation of the value.
const T& GetValue() const { return value_; }
explicit TypedValueBase(const TypedValueBase& other)
: PropValue(other), value_(other.value_) {}
TypedValueBase(const PropType& type, T value)
: PropValue(type), value_(value) {}
T value_{}; // The value of the parameter in C++ data representation.
// A helper template base class for implementing value classes.
template <typename Derived, typename T>
class TypedValueWithClone : public TypedValueBase<T> {
TypedValueWithClone(const PropType& type) : TypedValueBase<T>(type) {}
TypedValueWithClone(const PropType& type, const T& value)
: TypedValueBase<T>(type, value) {}
std::unique_ptr<PropValue> Clone() const override {
return std::unique_ptr<PropValue>{
new Derived{*static_cast<const Derived*>(this)}};
static std::unique_ptr<Derived> CreateFromJson(const base::Value& value,
const PropType& type,
ErrorPtr* error) {
T tmp_value;
if (!TypedValueFromJson(&value, &type, &tmp_value, error))
return nullptr;
// Only place where invalid value can exist.
std::unique_ptr<Derived> result(new Derived(type, tmp_value));
if (!result->GetPropType()->ValidateConstraints(*result, error))
return nullptr;
return result;
// Value of type Integer.
class IntValue final : public TypedValueWithClone<IntValue, int> {
explicit IntValue(const PropType& type)
: TypedValueWithClone<IntValue, int>(type) {}
IntValue(const PropType& type, int value)
: TypedValueWithClone<IntValue, int>(type, value) {}
IntValue* GetInt() override { return this; }
IntValue const* GetInt() const override { return this; }
// Value of type Number.
class DoubleValue final : public TypedValueWithClone<DoubleValue, double> {
explicit DoubleValue(const PropType& type)
: TypedValueWithClone<DoubleValue, double>(type) {}
DoubleValue(const PropType& type, double value)
: TypedValueWithClone<DoubleValue, double>(type, value) {}
DoubleValue* GetDouble() override { return this; }
DoubleValue const* GetDouble() const override { return this; }
// Value of type String.
class StringValue final : public TypedValueWithClone<StringValue, std::string> {
explicit StringValue(const PropType& type)
: TypedValueWithClone<StringValue, std::string>(type) {}
StringValue(const PropType& type, std::string value)
: TypedValueWithClone<StringValue, std::string>(type, value) {}
StringValue* GetString() override { return this; }
StringValue const* GetString() const override { return this; }
// Value of type Boolean.
class BooleanValue final : public TypedValueWithClone<BooleanValue, bool> {
explicit BooleanValue(const PropType& type)
: TypedValueWithClone<BooleanValue, bool>(type) {}
BooleanValue(const PropType& type, bool value)
: TypedValueWithClone<BooleanValue, bool>(type, value) {}
BooleanValue* GetBoolean() override { return this; }
BooleanValue const* GetBoolean() const override { return this; }
// Value of type Object.
class ObjectValue final : public TypedValueWithClone<ObjectValue, ValueMap> {
explicit ObjectValue(const PropType& type)
: TypedValueWithClone<ObjectValue, ValueMap>(type) {}
ObjectValue(const PropType& type, ValueMap value)
: TypedValueWithClone<ObjectValue, ValueMap>(type, value) {}
ObjectValue* GetObject() override { return this; }
ObjectValue const* GetObject() const override { return this; }
// Value of type Array.
class ArrayValue final : public TypedValueWithClone<ArrayValue, ValueVector> {
explicit ArrayValue(const PropType& type)
: TypedValueWithClone<ArrayValue, ValueVector>(type) {}
ArrayValue(const PropType& type, ValueVector value)
: TypedValueWithClone<ArrayValue, ValueVector>(type, value) {}
ArrayValue* GetArray() override { return this; }
ArrayValue const* GetArray() const override { return this; }
} // namespace weave