blob: b412d7569cab1494b803862d3479a4c9649ec2d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include "buffet/http_connection.h"
#include "buffet/http_transport_fake.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace http {
namespace fake {
// This is a fake implementation of http::Connection for unit testing.
class Connection : public chromeos::http::Connection {
Connection(const std::string& url, const std::string& method,
std::shared_ptr<http::Transport> transport);
virtual ~Connection();
// Overrides from http::Connection.
// See http_connection.h for description of these methods.
virtual bool SendHeaders(const HeaderList& headers, ErrorPtr* error) override;
virtual bool WriteRequestData(const void* data, size_t size,
ErrorPtr* error) override;
virtual bool FinishRequest(ErrorPtr* error) override;
virtual int GetResponseStatusCode() const override;
virtual std::string GetResponseStatusText() const override;
virtual std::string GetProtocolVersion() const override;
virtual std::string GetResponseHeader(
const std::string& header_name) const override;
virtual uint64_t GetResponseDataSize() const override;
virtual bool ReadResponseData(void* data, size_t buffer_size,
size_t* size_read, ErrorPtr* error) override;
// Request and response objects passed to the user-provided request handler
// callback. The request object contains all the request information.
// The response object is the server response that is created by
// the handler in response to the request.
ServerRequest request_;
ServerResponse response_;
// Internal read data pointer needed for ReadResponseData() implementation.
size_t response_data_ptr_ = 0;
} // namespace fake
} // namespace http
} // namespace chromeos