blob: 5ef533e78f6262b569c219e964651fe0c8b3d464 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include "buffet/http_request.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace http {
namespace curl {
// A particular implementation of TransportInterface that uses libcurl for
// HTTP communications. This class (as TransportInterface interface)
// is used by http::Request and http::Response classes to provide HTTP
// functionality to the clients.
class Transport : public TransportInterface {
// Standard constructor. |url| is the full request URL with protocol
// schema, host address, resource path as well as optional query parameters
// and/or user name/password. |method| is one of HTTP request verbs such as
// "GET", "POST", etc. If nullptr is specified, "GET" is assumed.
Transport(std::string const& url, char const* method);
// Returns the current request/response stage.
virtual Stage GetStage() const override { return stage_; }
// Implementation of Request::AddRange.
virtual void AddRange(int64_t bytes) override;
virtual void AddRange(uint64_t from_byte, uint64_t to_byte) override;
// Implementation of Request::SetAccept/Request::GetAccept.
virtual void SetAccept(char const* acceptMimeTypes) override {
accept_ = acceptMimeTypes;
virtual std::string GetAccept() const override;
// Implementation of Request::GetRequestURL.
virtual std::string GetRequestURL() const override { return request_url_; }
// Implementation of Request::SetContentType/Request::GetContentType.
virtual void SetContentType(char const* content_type) override {
content_type_ = content_type;
virtual std::string GetContentType() const override { return content_type_; }
// Implementation of Request::AddHeader.
virtual void AddHeader(char const* header, char const* value) override;
// Implementation of Request::RemoveHeader.
virtual void RemoveHeader(char const* header) override;
// Implementation of Request::AddRequestBody.
virtual bool AddRequestBody(void const* data, size_t size) override;
// Implementation of Request::SetMethod/Request::GetMethod.
virtual void SetMethod(char const* method) override { method_ = method; }
virtual std::string GetMethod() const override { return method_; }
// Implementation of Request::SetReferer/Request::GetReferer.
virtual void SetReferer(char const* referer) override { referer_ = referer; }
virtual std::string GetReferer() const override { return referer_; }
// Implementation of Request::SetUserAgent/Request::GetUserAgent.
virtual void SetUserAgent(char const* user_agent) override {
user_agent_ = user_agent;
virtual std::string GetUserAgent() const override { return user_agent_; }
// Sends the HTTP request to the server. Used by Request::GetResponse().
virtual bool Perform() override;
// Implementation of Response::GetStatusCode.
virtual int GetResponseStatusCode() const override;
// Implementation of Response::GetStatusText.
virtual std::string GetResponseStatusText() const override {
return status_text_;
// Implementation of Response::GetHeader.
virtual std::string GetResponseHeader(char const* header_name) const override;
// Implementation of Response::GetData.
virtual std::vector<unsigned char> const& GetResponseData() const override;
// Implementation of Response::GetErrorMessage.
virtual std::string GetErrorMessage() const override { return error_; }
// Closes the connection and frees up internal data
virtual void Close() override;
HeaderList GetHeaders() const;
// Write data callback. Used by CURL when receiving response data.
static size_t write_callback(char* ptr, size_t size, size_t num, void* data);
// Read data callback. Used by CURL when sending request body data.
static size_t read_callback(char* ptr, size_t size, size_t num, void* data);
// Write header data callback. Used by CURL when receiving response headers.
static size_t header_callback(char* ptr, size_t size, size_t num, void* data);
// Full request URL, such as ""
std::string request_url_;
// HTTP request verb, such as "GET", "POST", "PUT", ...
std::string method_;
// Referrer URL, if any. Sent to the server via "Referer: " header.
std::string referer_;
// User agent string, if any. Sent to the server via "User-Agent: " header.
std::string user_agent_;
// Content type of the request body data.
// Sent to the server via "Content-Type: " header.
std::string content_type_;
// List of acceptable response data types.
// Sent to the server via "Accept: " header.
std::string accept_ = "*/*";
// List of optional request headers provided by the caller.
// After request has been sent, contains the received response headers.
std::map<std::string, std::string> headers_;
// List of optional data ranges to request partial content from the server.
// Sent to thr server as "Range: " header.
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>> ranges_;
// Binary data for request body.
std::vector<unsigned char> request_data_;
// Read pointer for request data. Used when streaming data to the server.
size_t request_data_ptr_ = 0;
// Received response data.
std::vector<unsigned char> response_data_;
// Current progress stage.
Stage stage_ = Stage::failed;
// CURL error message in case request fails completely.
std::string error_;
// Reponse status text, such as "OK" for 200, or "Forbidden" for 403
std::string status_text_;
// Flag used when parsing response headers to separate the response status
// from the rest of response headers.
bool status_text_set_ = false;
// range_value_omitted is used in |ranges_| list to indicate omitted value.
// E.g. range (10,range_value_omitted) represents bytes from 10 to the end
// of the data stream.
static const uint64_t range_value_omitted = (uint64_t)-1;
CURL* curl_handle_ = nullptr;
} // namespace curl
} // namespace http
} // namespace chromeos