blob: 1199892e70c6db49864b5897573153effcc7c5e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include "buffet/commands/command_dictionary.h"
namespace buffet {
// CommandManager class that will have a list of all the device command
// schemas as well as the live command queue of pending command instances
// dispatched to the device.
class CommandManager {
CommandManager() = default;
// Get the command definitions for the device.
const CommandDictionary& GetCommandDictionary() const;
// Loads base/standard GCD command definitions.
// |json| is the full JSON schema of standard GCD commands. These commands
// are not necessarily supported by a particular device but rather
// all the standard commands defined by GCD standard for all known/supported
// device kinds.
// On success, returns true. Otherwise, |error| contains additional
// error information.
bool LoadBaseCommands(const base::DictionaryValue& json,
ErrorPtr* error);
// Same as the overload above, but takes a path to a json file to read
// the base command definitions from.
bool LoadBaseCommands(const base::FilePath& json_file_path,
ErrorPtr* error);
// Loads device command schema for particular category.
// See CommandDictionary::LoadCommands for detailed description of the
// parameters.
bool LoadCommands(const base::DictionaryValue& json,
const std::string& category, ErrorPtr* error);
// Same as the overload above, but takes a path to a json file to read
// the base command definitions from. Also, the command category is
// derived from file name (without extension). So, if the path points to
// "power_manager.json", the command category used will be "power_manager".
bool LoadCommands(const base::FilePath& json_file_path,
ErrorPtr* error);
// Startup method to be called by buffet daemon at startup.
// Initializes the object and loads the standard GCD command
// dictionary as well as static vendor-provided command definitions for
// the current device.
void Startup();
// Helper function to load a JSON file that is expected to be
// an object/dictionary. In case of error, returns empty unique ptr and fills
// in error details in |error|.
std::unique_ptr<const base::DictionaryValue> LoadJsonDict(
const base::FilePath& json_file_path, ErrorPtr* error);
CommandDictionary base_dictionary_; // Base/std command definitions/schemas.
CommandDictionary dictionary_; // Command definitions/schemas.
} // namespace buffet