blob: 256cf9ea0c7bfda4f4ba5808de1954b9a5887dce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace weave {
namespace privet {
namespace errors {
extern const char kDomain[];
extern const char kInvalidClientCommitment[];
extern const char kInvalidFormat[];
extern const char kMissingAuthorization[];
extern const char kInvalidAuthorization[];
extern const char kInvalidAuthorizationScope[];
extern const char kAuthorizationExpired[];
extern const char kCommitmentMismatch[];
extern const char kUnknownSession[];
extern const char kInvalidAuthCode[];
extern const char kInvalidAuthMode[];
extern const char kInvalidRequestedScope[];
extern const char kAccessDenied[];
extern const char kInvalidParams[];
extern const char kSetupUnavailable[];
extern const char kDeviceBusy[];
extern const char kInvalidState[];
extern const char kInvalidSsid[];
extern const char kInvalidPassphrase[];
extern const char kNotFound[];
extern const char kNotImplemented[];
} // namespace errors
} // namespace privet
} // namespace weave