blob: 4a1a589553bb3725fa5af53479dda5bcf6ce6116 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/privet/wifi_ssid_generator.h"
#include <bitset>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/rand_util.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include "src/privet/cloud_delegate.h"
#include "src/privet/device_delegate.h"
#include "src/privet/wifi_delegate.h"
namespace weave {
namespace privet {
namespace {
const int kDeviceNameSize = 20;
// [DeviceName+Idx <= 20].[modelID == 5][flags == 2]prv
const char kSsidFormat[] = "%s %s.%5.5s%2.2sprv";
const char base64chars[] =
bool IsSetupNeeded(const ConnectionState& state) {
if (state.error())
return true;
switch (state.status()) {
case ConnectionState::kUnconfigured:
return true;
case ConnectionState::kDisabled:
case ConnectionState::kConnecting:
case ConnectionState::kOnline:
case ConnectionState::kOffline:
return false;
return false;
} // namespace
WifiSsidGenerator::WifiSsidGenerator(const CloudDelegate* cloud,
const WifiDelegate* wifi)
: gcd_(cloud), wifi_(wifi), get_random_(base::Bind(&base::RandInt, 0, 99)) {
std::string WifiSsidGenerator::GenerateFlags() const {
std::bitset<6> flags1;
// Device needs WiFi configuration.
flags1[0] = wifi_ && IsSetupNeeded(wifi_->GetConnectionState());
// Device needs GCD registration.
flags1[1] = IsSetupNeeded(gcd_->GetConnectionState());
std::bitset<6> flags2;
// Device is discoverable over WiFi.
flags2[0] = true;
std::string result{2, base64chars[0]};
result[0] = base64chars[flags1.to_ulong()];
result[1] = base64chars[flags2.to_ulong()];
return result;
std::string WifiSsidGenerator::GenerateSsid() const {
std::string name = gcd_->GetName();
std::string model_id = gcd_->GetModelId();
std::string idx = base::IntToString(get_random_.Run());
name = name.substr(0, kDeviceNameSize - idx.size() - 1);
CHECK_EQ(5u, model_id.size());
std::string result =
base::StringPrintf(kSsidFormat, name.c_str(), idx.c_str(),
model_id.c_str(), GenerateFlags().c_str());
CHECK_EQ(result[result.size() - 11], '.');
return result;
void WifiSsidGenerator::SetRandomForTests(int n) {
get_random_ = base::Bind(&base::RandInt, n, n);
} // namespace privet
} // namespace weave