blob: c683e375ad30e7b59187cd487a5cbeb33c8ab2fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <chromeos/data_encoding.h>
#include <chromeos/errors/error.h>
#include <chromeos/http/http_transport.h>
#include "buffet/storage_interface.h"
namespace base {
class Value;
} // namespace base
namespace buffet {
class CommandManager;
class StateManager;
extern const char kErrorDomainOAuth2[];
extern const char kErrorDomainGCD[];
extern const char kErrorDomainGCDServer[];
// The DeviceRegistrationInfo class represents device registration information.
class DeviceRegistrationInfo {
// This is a helper class for unit testing.
class TestHelper;
// This constructor uses CURL HTTP transport.
const std::shared_ptr<CommandManager>& command_manager,
const std::shared_ptr<const StateManager>& state_manager);
// This constructor allows to pass in a custom HTTP transport
// (mainly for testing).
const std::shared_ptr<CommandManager>& command_manager,
const std::shared_ptr<const StateManager>& state_manager,
const std::shared_ptr<chromeos::http::Transport>& transport,
const std::shared_ptr<StorageInterface>& storage);
// Returns the authorization HTTP header that can be used to talk
// to GCD server for authenticated device communication.
// Make sure ValidateAndRefreshAccessToken() is called before this call.
std::pair<std::string, std::string> GetAuthorizationHeader() const;
// Returns the GCD service request URL. If |subpath| is specified, it is
// appended to the base URL which is normally
// If |params| are specified, each key-value pair is formatted using
// chromeos::data_encoding::WebParamsEncode() and appended to URL as a query
// string.
// So, calling:
// GetServiceURL("ticket", {{"key","apiKey"}})
// will return something like:
std::string GetServiceURL(
const std::string& subpath = {},
const chromeos::data_encoding::WebParamList& params = {}) const;
// Returns a service URL to access the registered device on GCD server.
// The base URL used to construct the full URL looks like this:
std::string GetDeviceURL(
const std::string& subpath = {},
const chromeos::data_encoding::WebParamList& params = {}) const;
// Similar to GetServiceURL, GetOAuthURL() returns a URL of OAuth 2.0 server.
// The base URL used is
std::string GetOAuthURL(
const std::string& subpath = {},
const chromeos::data_encoding::WebParamList& params = {}) const;
// Returns the registered device ID (GUID) or empty string if failed
std::string GetDeviceId(chromeos::ErrorPtr* error);
// Loads the device registration information from cache.
bool Load();
// Checks for the valid device registration as well as refreshes
// the device access token, if available.
bool CheckRegistration(chromeos::ErrorPtr* error);
// Gets the full device description JSON object, or nullptr if
// the device is not registered or communication failure.
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> GetDeviceInfo(chromeos::ErrorPtr* error);
// Registers the device.
// |params| are a list of key-value pairs of device information,
// such as client_id, client_secret, and so on. If a particular key-value pair
// is omitted, a default value is used when possible.
// Returns a device ID on success.
// The values are all strings for now.
std::string RegisterDevice(
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& params,
chromeos::ErrorPtr* error);
// Start device execution.
// Device will do required start up chores and then start to listen
// to new commands.
// TODO(antonm): Consider moving into some other class.
void StartDevice(chromeos::ErrorPtr* error);
// Saves the device registration to cache.
bool Save() const;
// Makes sure the access token is available and up-to-date.
bool ValidateAndRefreshAccessToken(chromeos::ErrorPtr* error);
using CloudRequestCallback =
base::Callback<void(const base::DictionaryValue&)>;
using CloudRequestErroback =
base::Callback<void(const chromeos::Error& error)>;
// Do a HTTPS request to cloud services.
// Handles many cases like reauthorization, 5xx HTTP response codes
// and device removal. It is a recommended way to do cloud API
// requests.
// TODO(antonm): Consider moving into some other class.
void DoCloudRequest(
const std::string& method,
const std::string& url,
const base::DictionaryValue* body,
CloudRequestCallback callback,
CloudRequestErroback errorback);
void UpdateDeviceResource(base::Closure callback);
void FetchCommands(base::Callback<void(const base::ListValue&)> callback);
void AbortLimboCommands(base::Closure callback,
const base::ListValue& commands);
void PeriodicallyPollCommands();
// Builds Cloud API devices collection REST resouce which matches
// current state of the device including command definitions
// for all supported commands and current device state.
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> BuildDeviceResource(
chromeos::ErrorPtr* error);
// Persistent data. Some of default values for testing purposes are used.
// TODO(avakulenko): remove these default values in the future.
std::string client_id_ = "";
std::string client_secret_ = "eHSAREAHrIqPsHBxCE9zPPBi";
std::string api_key_ = "AIzaSyDSq46gG-AxUnC3zoqD9COIPrjolFsMfMA";
std::string refresh_token_;
std::string device_id_;
std::string device_robot_account_;
std::string oauth_url_ = "";
std::string service_url_ = "";
// Transient data
std::string access_token_;
base::Time access_token_expiration_;
std::string ticket_id_;
std::string device_kind_ = "vendor";
std::string name_ = "coffee_pot";
std::string display_name_ = "Coffee Pot";
// HTTP transport used for communications.
std::shared_ptr<chromeos::http::Transport> transport_;
// Serialization interface to save and load device registration info.
std::shared_ptr<StorageInterface> storage_;
// Global command manager.
std::shared_ptr<CommandManager> command_manager_;
// Device state manager.
std::shared_ptr<const StateManager> state_manager_;
friend class TestHelper;
} // namespace buffet