blob: 88a53bd31b569d0b7e994a7ceda4fdcd1b5cb639 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Weave Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/commands/prop_types.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <set>
#include <base/json/json_writer.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include "src/commands/object_schema.h"
#include "src/commands/prop_values.h"
#include "src/commands/schema_constants.h"
namespace weave {
// PropType -------------------------------------------------------------------
PropType::PropType() {}
PropType::~PropType() {}
std::string PropType::GetTypeAsString() const {
return GetTypeStringFromType(GetType());
bool PropType::HasOverriddenAttributes() const {
if (default_.value && !default_.is_inherited)
return true;
for (const auto& pair : constraints_) {
if (pair.second->HasOverriddenAttributes())
return true;
return false;
bool PropType::IsRequired() const {
return required_.value;
void PropType::MakeRequired(bool required) {
required_.value = required;
required_.is_inherited = false;
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> PropType::ToJson(bool full_schema,
bool in_command_def) const {
// Determine if we need to output "isRequired" attribute.
const bool include_required = in_command_def && !required_.is_inherited;
// If we must include "isRequired" attribute, then treat this as "full schema"
// request because there could be cases where we have just this attribute and
// won't be able to infer the type from the constraints only.
if (include_required)
full_schema = true;
if (!full_schema && !HasOverriddenAttributes()) {
if (based_on_schema_)
return std::unique_ptr<base::Value>(new base::DictionaryValue);
return TypedValueToJson(GetTypeAsString());
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> dict(new base::DictionaryValue);
if (full_schema) {
// If we are asked for full_schema definition, then we need to output every
// parameter property, including the "type", and any constraints.
// So, we write the "type" only if asked for full schema.
// Otherwise we will be able to infer the parameter type based on
// the constraints and their types.
// That is, the following JSONs could possibly define a parameter:
// {'type':'integer'} -> explicit "integer" with no constraints
// {'minimum':10} -> no type specified, but since we have "minimum"
// and 10 is integer, than this is an integer
// parameter with min constraint.
// {'enum':[1,2,3]} -> integer with OneOf constraint.
// And so is this: [1,2,3] -> an array of ints assume it's an "int" enum.
dict->SetString(commands::attributes::kType, GetTypeAsString());
if (!full_schema && constraints_.size() == 1) {
// If we are not asked for full schema, and we have only one constraint
// which is OneOf, we short-circuit the whole thing and return just
// the array [1,2,3] instead of an object with "enum" property like:
// {'enum':[1,2,3]}
auto p = constraints_.find(ConstraintType::OneOf);
if (p != constraints_.end()) {
return p->second->ToJson();
for (const auto& pair : constraints_)
pair.second->AddToJsonDict(dict.get(), !full_schema);
if (default_.value && (full_schema || !default_.is_inherited)) {
auto def_val = default_.value->ToJson();
dict->Set(commands::attributes::kDefault, def_val.release());
if (include_required)
dict->SetBoolean(commands::attributes::kIsRequired, required_.value);
return std::unique_ptr<base::Value>(dict.release());
std::unique_ptr<PropType> PropType::Clone() const {
auto cloned = PropType::Create(GetType());
cloned->based_on_schema_ = based_on_schema_;
for (const auto& pair : constraints_) {
cloned->constraints_.emplace(pair.first, pair.second->Clone());
cloned->default_.is_inherited = default_.is_inherited;
if (default_.value)
cloned->default_.value = default_.value->Clone();
cloned->required_ = required_;
return cloned;
bool PropType::FromJson(const base::DictionaryValue* value,
const PropType* base_schema,
ErrorPtr* error) {
if (base_schema && base_schema->GetType() != GetType()) {
Error::AddToPrintf(error, FROM_HERE, errors::commands::kDomain,
"Redefining a property of type %s as %s",
return false;
based_on_schema_ = (base_schema != nullptr);
// Add the well-known object properties first (like "type", "displayName",
// "default") to the list of "processed" keys so we do not complain about them
// when we check for unknown/unexpected keys below.
std::set<std::string> processed_keys{
commands::attributes::kType, commands::attributes::kDisplayName,
commands::attributes::kDefault, commands::attributes::kIsRequired,
if (!ObjectSchemaFromJson(value, base_schema, &processed_keys, error))
return false;
if (base_schema) {
for (const auto& pair : base_schema->GetConstraints()) {
constraints_.emplace(pair.first, pair.second->CloneAsInherited());
if (!ConstraintsFromJson(value, &processed_keys, error))
return false;
// Now make sure there are no unexpected/unknown keys in the property schema
// definition object.
base::DictionaryValue::Iterator iter(*value);
while (!iter.IsAtEnd()) {
std::string key = iter.key();
if (processed_keys.find(key) == processed_keys.end()) {
Error::AddToPrintf(error, FROM_HERE, errors::commands::kDomain,
"Unexpected property '%s'", key.c_str());
return false;
// Read the "isRequired" attribute, if specified.
bool required = false;
if (value->GetBoolean(commands::attributes::kIsRequired, &required)) {
required_.value = required;
required_.is_inherited = false;
} else if (base_schema) {
// If we have the base schema, inherit the type's required value from it.
if (base_schema->required_.value)
required_.value = base_schema->required_.value;
required_.is_inherited = true;
// Read the default value, if specified.
// We need to do this last since the current type definition must be complete,
// so we can parse and validate the value of the default.
const base::Value* defval = nullptr; // Owned by value
if (value->GetWithoutPathExpansion(commands::attributes::kDefault, &defval)) {
std::unique_ptr<PropValue> prop_value = CreatePropValue(*defval, error);
if (!prop_value) {
Error::AddToPrintf(error, FROM_HERE, errors::commands::kDomain,
"Invalid value for property '%s'",
return false;
default_.value = std::move(prop_value);
default_.is_inherited = false;
} else if (base_schema) {
// If we have the base schema, inherit the type's default value from it.
// It doesn't matter if the base schema actually has a default value
// specified or not. If it doesn't, then the current type definition will
// have no default value set either (|default_.value| is a unique_ptr to
// PropValue, which can be set to nullptr).
if (base_schema->default_.value)
default_.value = base_schema->default_.value->Clone();
default_.is_inherited = true;
return true;
void PropType::AddConstraint(std::unique_ptr<Constraint> constraint) {
constraints_[constraint->GetType()] = std::move(constraint);
void PropType::RemoveConstraint(ConstraintType constraint_type) {
void PropType::RemoveAllConstraints() {
const Constraint* PropType::GetConstraint(
ConstraintType constraint_type) const {
auto p = constraints_.find(constraint_type);
return p != constraints_.end() ? p->second.get() : nullptr;
Constraint* PropType::GetConstraint(ConstraintType constraint_type) {
auto p = constraints_.find(constraint_type);
return p != constraints_.end() ? p->second.get() : nullptr;
bool PropType::ValidateConstraints(const PropValue& value,
ErrorPtr* error) const {
for (const auto& pair : constraints_) {
if (!pair.second->Validate(value, error))
return false;
return true;
const PropType::TypeMap& PropType::GetTypeMap() {
static TypeMap map = {
{ValueType::Int, "integer"}, {ValueType::Double, "number"},
{ValueType::String, "string"}, {ValueType::Boolean, "boolean"},
{ValueType::Object, "object"}, {ValueType::Array, "array"},
return map;
std::string PropType::GetTypeStringFromType(ValueType type) {
for (const auto& pair : GetTypeMap()) {
if (pair.first == type)
return pair.second;
LOG(FATAL) << "Type map is missing a type";
return std::string();
bool PropType::GetTypeFromTypeString(const std::string& name, ValueType* type) {
for (const auto& pair : GetTypeMap()) {
if (pair.second == name) {
*type = pair.first;
return true;
return false;
std::unique_ptr<PropType> PropType::Create(ValueType type) {
PropType* prop = nullptr;
switch (type) {
case ValueType::Int:
prop = new IntPropType;
case ValueType::Double:
prop = new DoublePropType;
case ValueType::String:
prop = new StringPropType;
case ValueType::Boolean:
prop = new BooleanPropType;
case ValueType::Object:
prop = new ObjectPropType;
case ValueType::Array:
prop = new ArrayPropType;
return std::unique_ptr<PropType>(prop);
template <typename T>
static std::unique_ptr<Constraint> LoadOneOfConstraint(
const base::DictionaryValue* value,
const PropType* prop_type,
ErrorPtr* error) {
std::unique_ptr<Constraint> constraint;
const base::Value* list = nullptr; // Owned by |value|
CHECK(value->Get(commands::attributes::kOneOf_Enum, &list))
<< "'enum' property missing in JSON dictionary";
ValueVector choice_list;
ArrayPropType array_type;
if (!TypedValueFromJson(list, &array_type, &choice_list, error))
return constraint;
InheritableAttribute<ValueVector> val(std::move(choice_list), false);
constraint.reset(new ConstraintOneOf{std::move(val)});
return constraint;
template <class ConstraintClass, typename T>
static std::unique_ptr<Constraint> LoadMinMaxConstraint(
const char* dict_key,
const base::DictionaryValue* value,
ErrorPtr* error) {
std::unique_ptr<Constraint> constraint;
InheritableAttribute<T> limit;
const base::Value* src_val = nullptr;
CHECK(value->Get(dict_key, &src_val)) << "Unable to get min/max constraints";
if (!TypedValueFromJson(src_val, nullptr, &limit.value, error))
return constraint;
limit.is_inherited = false;
constraint.reset(new ConstraintClass{limit});
return constraint;
// PropTypeBase ----------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Derived, class Value, typename T>
bool PropTypeBase<Derived, Value, T>::ConstraintsFromJson(
const base::DictionaryValue* value,
std::set<std::string>* processed_keys,
ErrorPtr* error) {
if (!PropType::ConstraintsFromJson(value, processed_keys, error))
return false;
if (value->HasKey(commands::attributes::kOneOf_Enum)) {
auto type = Clone();
auto constraint = LoadOneOfConstraint<T>(value, type.get(), error);
if (!constraint)
return false;
return true;
// NumericPropTypeBase ---------------------------------------------------------
template <class Derived, class Value, typename T>
bool NumericPropTypeBase<Derived, Value, T>::ConstraintsFromJson(
const base::DictionaryValue* value,
std::set<std::string>* processed_keys,
ErrorPtr* error) {
if (!Base::ConstraintsFromJson(value, processed_keys, error))
return false;
if (processed_keys->find(commands::attributes::kOneOf_Enum) ==
processed_keys->end()) {
// Process min/max constraints only if "enum" constraint wasn't already
// specified.
if (value->HasKey(commands::attributes::kNumeric_Min)) {
auto constraint = LoadMinMaxConstraint<ConstraintMin<T>, T>(
commands::attributes::kNumeric_Min, value, error);
if (!constraint)
return false;
if (value->HasKey(commands::attributes::kNumeric_Max)) {
auto constraint = LoadMinMaxConstraint<ConstraintMax<T>, T>(
commands::attributes::kNumeric_Max, value, error);
if (!constraint)
return false;
return true;
// StringPropType -------------------------------------------------------------
bool StringPropType::ConstraintsFromJson(const base::DictionaryValue* value,
std::set<std::string>* processed_keys,
ErrorPtr* error) {
if (!Base::ConstraintsFromJson(value, processed_keys, error))
return false;
if (processed_keys->find(commands::attributes::kOneOf_Enum) ==
processed_keys->end()) {
// Process min/max constraints only if "enum" constraint wasn't already
// specified.
if (value->HasKey(commands::attributes::kString_MinLength)) {
auto constraint = LoadMinMaxConstraint<ConstraintStringLengthMin, int>(
commands::attributes::kString_MinLength, value, error);
if (!constraint)
return false;
if (value->HasKey(commands::attributes::kString_MaxLength)) {
auto constraint = LoadMinMaxConstraint<ConstraintStringLengthMax, int>(
commands::attributes::kString_MaxLength, value, error);
if (!constraint)
return false;
return true;
void StringPropType::AddLengthConstraint(int min_len, int max_len) {
InheritableAttribute<int> min_attr(min_len, false);
InheritableAttribute<int> max_attr(max_len, false);
new ConstraintStringLengthMin{min_attr}});
new ConstraintStringLengthMax{max_attr}});
int StringPropType::GetMinLength() const {
auto slc = static_cast<const ConstraintStringLength*>(
return slc ? slc->limit_.value : 0;
int StringPropType::GetMaxLength() const {
auto slc = static_cast<const ConstraintStringLength*>(
return slc ? slc->limit_.value : std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
// ObjectPropType -------------------------------------------------------------
: object_schema_{ObjectSchema::Create(), false} {}
bool ObjectPropType::HasOverriddenAttributes() const {
return PropType::HasOverriddenAttributes() || !object_schema_.is_inherited;
std::unique_ptr<PropType> ObjectPropType::Clone() const {
auto cloned = Base::Clone();
cloned->GetObject()->object_schema_.is_inherited =
cloned->GetObject()->object_schema_.value = object_schema_.value->Clone();
return cloned;
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> ObjectPropType::ToJson(bool full_schema,
bool in_command_def) const {
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> value =
PropType::ToJson(full_schema, in_command_def);
base::DictionaryValue* dict = nullptr;
CHECK(value->GetAsDictionary(&dict)) << "Expecting a JSON object";
if (!object_schema_.is_inherited || full_schema) {
auto object_schema = object_schema_.value->ToJson(full_schema, false);
std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue> required{new base::ListValue};
for (const auto& pair : object_schema_.value->GetProps()) {
if (pair.second->IsRequired())
if (required->GetSize() > 0) {
dict->Set(commands::attributes::kObject_Required, required.release());
return value;
bool ObjectPropType::ObjectSchemaFromJson(const base::DictionaryValue* value,
const PropType* base_schema,
std::set<std::string>* processed_keys,
ErrorPtr* error) {
if (!Base::ObjectSchemaFromJson(value, base_schema, processed_keys, error))
return false;
using commands::attributes::kObject_Properties;
using commands::attributes::kObject_AdditionalProperties;
const ObjectSchema* base_object_schema = nullptr;
if (base_schema)
base_object_schema = base_schema->GetObject()->GetObjectSchemaPtr();
const base::DictionaryValue* props = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<ObjectSchema> object_schema;
bool inherited = false;
if (value->GetDictionaryWithoutPathExpansion(kObject_Properties, &props)) {
object_schema.reset(new ObjectSchema);
if (!object_schema->FromJson(props, base_object_schema, error)) {
Error::AddTo(error, FROM_HERE, errors::commands::kDomain,
"Error parsing object property schema");
return false;
} else if (base_object_schema) {
object_schema = base_object_schema->Clone();
inherited = true;
} else {
Error::AddToPrintf(error, FROM_HERE, errors::commands::kDomain,
"Object type definition must include the "
"object schema ('%s' field not found)",
return false;
bool extra_properties_allowed = false;
if (value->GetBooleanWithoutPathExpansion(kObject_AdditionalProperties,
&extra_properties_allowed)) {
inherited = false;
const base::Value* required = nullptr;
if (value->Get(commands::attributes::kObject_Required, &required)) {
const base::ListValue* required_list = nullptr;
if (!required->GetAsList(&required_list)) {
Error::AddToPrintf(error, FROM_HERE, errors::commands::kDomain,
"Property '%s' must be an array",
return false;
for (const base::Value* value : *required_list) {
std::string name;
if (!value->GetAsString(&name)) {
std::string json_value;
CHECK(base::JSONWriter::Write(*value, &json_value));
error, FROM_HERE, errors::commands::kDomain,
"Property '%s' contains invalid element (%s). String expected",
commands::attributes::kObject_Required, json_value.c_str());
return false;
if (!object_schema->MarkPropRequired(name, error))
return false;
inherited = false;
object_schema_.value = std::move(object_schema);
object_schema_.is_inherited = inherited;
return true;
void ObjectPropType::SetObjectSchema(
std::unique_ptr<const ObjectSchema> schema) {
object_schema_.value = std::move(schema);
object_schema_.is_inherited = false;
// ArrayPropType -------------------------------------------------------------
ArrayPropType::ArrayPropType() {}
bool ArrayPropType::HasOverriddenAttributes() const {
return PropType::HasOverriddenAttributes() || !item_type_.is_inherited;
std::unique_ptr<PropType> ArrayPropType::Clone() const {
auto cloned = Base::Clone();
cloned->GetArray()->item_type_.is_inherited = item_type_.is_inherited;
cloned->GetArray()->item_type_.value = item_type_.value->Clone();
return cloned;
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> ArrayPropType::ToJson(bool full_schema,
bool in_command_def) const {
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> value =
PropType::ToJson(full_schema, in_command_def);
if (!item_type_.is_inherited || full_schema) {
base::DictionaryValue* dict = nullptr;
CHECK(value->GetAsDictionary(&dict)) << "Expecting a JSON object";
auto type = item_type_.value->ToJson(full_schema, false);
dict->SetWithoutPathExpansion(commands::attributes::kItems, type.release());
return value;
bool ArrayPropType::ObjectSchemaFromJson(const base::DictionaryValue* value,
const PropType* base_schema,
std::set<std::string>* processed_keys,
ErrorPtr* error) {
if (!Base::ObjectSchemaFromJson(value, base_schema, processed_keys, error))
return false;
using commands::attributes::kItems;
const PropType* base_type = nullptr;
if (base_schema)
base_type = base_schema->GetArray()->GetItemTypePtr();
const base::Value* type_value = nullptr;
if (value->GetWithoutPathExpansion(kItems, &type_value)) {
auto item_type = ObjectSchema::PropFromJson(*type_value, base_type, error);
if (!item_type)
return false;
if (item_type->GetType() == ValueType::Array) {
Error::AddTo(error, FROM_HERE, errors::commands::kDomain,
"Arrays of arrays are not supported");
return false;
} else if (!item_type_.value) {
if (base_type) {
item_type_.value = base_type->Clone();
item_type_.is_inherited = true;
} else {
Error::AddToPrintf(error, FROM_HERE, errors::commands::kDomain,
"Array type definition must include the "
"array item type ('%s' field not found)",
return false;
return true;
void ArrayPropType::SetItemType(std::unique_ptr<const PropType> item_type) {
item_type_.value = std::move(item_type);
item_type_.is_inherited = false;
} // namespace weave