blob: 62a77c2c82516b05dcaf3d6c5affbad6743b9a3f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Weave Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/scoped_observer.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include "src/privet/privet_types.h"
#include "src/privet/wifi_delegate.h"
#include "src/privet/wifi_ssid_generator.h"
namespace weave {
class Config;
namespace provider {
class Network;
class TaskRunner;
class Wifi;
namespace privet {
class CloudDelegate;
class DeviceDelegate;
class WifiBootstrapManager : public WifiDelegate {
enum class State {
WifiBootstrapManager(Config* config,
provider::TaskRunner* task_runner,
provider::Network* shill_client,
provider::Wifi* wifi,
CloudDelegate* gcd);
~WifiBootstrapManager() override = default;
virtual void Init();
// Overrides from WifiDelegate.
const ConnectionState& GetConnectionState() const override;
const SetupState& GetSetupState() const override;
bool ConfigureCredentials(const std::string& ssid,
const std::string& passphrase,
ErrorPtr* error) override;
std::string GetCurrentlyConnectedSsid() const override;
std::string GetHostedSsid() const override;
std::set<WifiType> GetTypes() const override;
// These Start* tasks:
// 1) Do state appropriate work for entering the indicated state.
// 2) Update the state variable to reflect that we're in a new state
// 3) Call StateListeners to notify that we've transitioned.
// These End* tasks perform cleanup on leaving indicated state.
void StartBootstrapping();
void EndBootstrapping();
void StartConnecting(const std::string& ssid, const std::string& passphrase);
void EndConnecting();
void StartMonitoring(const base::TimeDelta& timeout);
void ContinueMonitoring(const base::TimeDelta& timeout);
void EndMonitoring();
// Update the current state, post tasks to notify listeners accordingly to
// the MessageLoop.
void UpdateState(State new_state);
std::string GenerateSsid() const;
// If we've been bootstrapped successfully before, and we're bootstrapping
// again because we slipped offline for a sufficiently longtime, we want
// to return to monitoring mode periodically in case our connectivity issues
// were temporary.
void OnBootstrapTimeout();
void OnConnectDone(const std::string& ssid, ErrorPtr error);
void OnConnectTimeout();
void OnConnectivityChange();
void OnMonitorTimeout();
void UpdateConnectionState();
State state_{State::kDisabled};
// Setup state is the temporal state of the most recent bootstrapping attempt.
// It is not persisted to disk.
SetupState setup_state_{SetupState::kNone};
ConnectionState connection_state_{ConnectionState::kDisabled};
Config* config_{nullptr};
provider::TaskRunner* task_runner_{nullptr};
provider::Network* network_{nullptr};
provider::Wifi* wifi_{nullptr};
WifiSsidGenerator ssid_generator_;
base::Time monitor_until_;
bool currently_online_{false};
std::string privet_ssid_;
// Helps to reset irrelevant tasks switching state.
base::WeakPtrFactory<WifiBootstrapManager> tasks_weak_factory_{this};
base::WeakPtrFactory<WifiBootstrapManager> lifetime_weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace privet
} // namespace weave